Exhibitions and Events

"Tree of Life";
Mental Health in challenging times Art Exhibition
Kingston University London, 2019
"Piece of Body"
Wave Collective - I AS ANOTHER
Group exhitbition
Carmel by the Green - London, 2018
"London Bridge"
Group exhibition
42 Newington Causeway, London, 2017
"Domestic Creatures"
BA Photography exhibition 2017
at University of The Arts London,
London College of Communication
"Creep Me"
Cyberfoto 2016
Group exhibition
Galeria Art Foto in Czestochowa, Poland, 2016
Rapid Eye Movement
Group exhibition
5th Base Gallery, London, 2015
Taste of Nature
Group exhibition
City of Westminster College, London, 2015

"Sleeping Beauty"
Cyberfoto 2014
Group exhibition
Galeria Art Foto in Czestochowa, Poland, 2014

Pictures chosen for Breast Cancer Foundation charity calendar, U.S.A., 2013

V International Exhibition Still Life in photography
Group exhibition with "Water fantasies"
City Gallery of Art in Czestochowa, Poland, 2011

Open Open 2011
Group exhibition
Swiss Cottage Gallery , London, 2011

Special winner "Water fantasies-Kingcups"
Still life photography award of the Director of the City Gallery of Art, Czestochowa, Poland, 2011

"Liquid Fantasy"
Solo exhibition
Secret Garden Pub, London, 2011

"Liquid Fantasy"
project with children of John Burns Primary school, London, 2011

"Scintilla" project with pregnant mothers
In partnership with Ultramedica in Cracow, Poland 2009